Although many musicians are unfortunately still unable to practice their profession well,
we have been very lucky this summer:
The SHM festival Lübeck
With Tangata & Jeannine Geerts we were allowed to play at the Schleswig Holstein Musikfestival near Lübeck.
What a party:
750 seats outside in the sun of Pronstorf castle, where the public could enjoy us
Tribute to Astor Piazzolla performance.

We were moved to finally be able to play again after such a long silence and waiting!
We realized how long Tangata has been playing together and how close we are.

Garden concert Amerongen Castle.
After the Schleswig Holstein Musikfestival Trio Tangata played 2 performances on 1 August
with Aubrey Snel saxophone in the castle garden of Amerongen,
a beautiful special day with many enthusiastic reactions.

Tuscanny Tango in Querceto with Trio Tangata
Following the performance in Amerongen, Trio Tangata traveled to the beautiful Querceto in Tuscany.
Here from July 31 to August 7 it was Tuscanny Tango Holiday event organized.
In this magical medieval village in the heart of Tuscany, all kinds of tango activities were organized for a week with workshops, performances and technique / body awareness exercises led by 4 renowned maestros.

A week of concerts under the stars and breathtaking natural beauty,
great dancers and audience. How beautiful is that!
Castelnau des Fieumarcon
How beautiful: to be invited again to play at the Castelnau des Fieumarcon.
Also there, besides meeting my Portuguese and French friends, I gave 2 concerts together with Ad Colen in the castle tower where the grand piano from Lisbon (Palacio Belmonte) had been transferred since this week.

The BBC was there filming for their documentary series “How to run a castle” starring Anali. From my “Luces de Belmonte’ recordings were made that will be included in the documentary. Hilarious, and special!
Dutch Tango Week
Back in the Netherlands, the beautiful performance with Kees Scholten and Gustavo Cabrera for the international Dutch Tangoweek was allowed to continue online from the beautiful Muntgebouw Utrecht.

In short: I really enjoyed so much music in amazingly beautiful and historic locations all summer long. It was possible again, hooray🌹🙏🏼