The CD & #8216; MOVING FRIENDS & #8217; was heard on Radio Neo Tango in Chile.
Listen here the program.
Hermán Stevenson wrote the following review:
"MOVING FRIENDS Una fib más la consagrada pianista y composition holandesa, Margreet Markerink, nos vuelve a admirar con su talento. And esta oportunidad es su más reciente CD. su paÃs. A Margreet ya la habíamos presentado and anteriores conduciendo programs su "Trio Tanga". And esta oportunidad con este nuevo CD. nos muestra su talento the composition com interprete. "
& #8220; On her CD & #8216; MOVING FRIENDS & #8217; the renowned Dutch pianist and composer Margreet Markerink surprises us again with her talent. On her most recent CD she invites well-known Dutch musicians to play with her. Margreet had already shown in my previous broadcasts with Tangata and now she shows on & #8216; MOVING FRIENDS & #8217; us again her talent as a composer and pianist / performer of Tango music. & #8221;