Happy! Since today my CD Moving Friends (2017) is back on Spotify!
So I like to invite you to listen to it and hope to enjoy!
Solo and duo compositions
Recorded with my dear collegues in studio Power sound studio.

In the leading German Tango Magazine Tango Danza a wonderful review about my CD & #8220; Moving Friends & #8221; under the title & #8220; Wie Margreet MarkerinkFreunde moves & #8221;
& #8220; Damalswie heute überzeugt Margreet Markerinksgelungenes musikalisches Wechselspiel
zwischen Klavier und Bandoneon, with manchmal melancholic, und dann wieder
luftig-leichten, hör- und tanzbaren Liedern. & #8221;
I am very pleased that I can give a performance in January TivoliVredenburg.
Together with my musical friends we play our own compositions from my CD ‘Moving Friends‘.
January 19 12.30 pm (lunch break concert) in the Herz room
My & #8216; Moving Friends & #8217; friends:
& #8211; Kees Scholten, singing and text
& #8211; Emmy Storms, violin
& #8211; Harriët Overbeek, cello;
& #8211; Jacqueline Edeling, English concertina and bandoneon
& #8211; Boris Franz, double bass
& #8211; Jeannine Geerts, singing.
The CD & #8216; MOVING FRIENDS & #8217; was heard on Radio Neo Tango in Chile.
Listen here the program.
Hermán Stevenson wrote the following review:
"MOVING FRIENDS Una fib más la consagrada pianista y composition holandesa, Margreet Markerink, nos vuelve a admirar con su talento. And esta oportunidad es su más reciente CD. su paÃs. A Margreet ya la habíamos presentado and anteriores conduciendo programs su "Trio Tanga". And esta oportunidad con este nuevo CD. nos muestra su talento the composition com interprete. "
& #8220; On her CD & #8216; MOVING FRIENDS & #8217; the renowned Dutch pianist and composer Margreet Markerink surprises us again with her talent. On her most recent CD she invites well-known Dutch musicians to play with her. Margreet had already shown in my previous broadcasts with Tangata and now she shows on & #8216; MOVING FRIENDS & #8217; us again her talent as a composer and pianist / performer of Tango music. & #8221;